Sunday, December 13, 2009


If you're looking for trouble
You came to the right place
If you're looking for trouble
Just look right in my face
(Elvis Presley's "Trouble")

I would say I didn't do it, but I can't hide the evidence. It's stuck all over my white fur. I could blame it on the fact that it was left out in the open, but it wasn't. I dug it out of a pile of clothes. Then ripped it open, chewed it, rolled in it (I must have--it's all over me AND stuck to the carpet). I completely enjoyed it. I am not repentent. I am a dog. (Hey, Tiger Woods, there's one for you to try out!!)

I can only hope my family learned a valuable lesson. A fool and her gum (all 20 pieces) are soon parted. You can't hide it well enough. You can't discipline me enough. You can only shut the door and hope my overly intelligent terrier brain doesn't figure out how to turn doorknobs.

I could continue writing about the expense of big city, Sunday afternoon emergency vet clinics, but I won't. Humans have great inferring skills. What I will share with you is that Xylitol, which is found in sugar-free gum, can be deadly to dogs. I'm not an average dog. I didn't eat any Xylitol-laced gum. Which is great, because Alpha Pants says she would have gone all "death panel" health care on me. Whatever.

Gum is awesome.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Do you see what I see?

A snowflake is one of God's most fragile creations, but look what they can do when they stick together! ~Author Unknown

There's one good thing about snow, it makes your lawn look as nice as your neighbor's. ~Clyde Moore

Winter came down to our home one night...Quietly pirouetting in on silvery-toed slippers of snow,And we, we were children once again.~Bill Morgan, Jr.