Wednesday, July 8, 2009


So I haven't written in a family went on vacation WITHOUT me. But lucky me, I got to stay at our dear friends house, where I was treated like a princess and got to hang out with my friend Tug. I almost forgive them for leaving me.

In the meantime, I have been polishing my skills at beating the sprinkler into submission. It's a cheeky thing, and it responds not at all to my intimidation tactics. The water just keeps coming, and coming, and coming. Just like all the newscasts on the death of Michael was like a sophisticated type of media torture...and it went on and on and on. I found myself as confused as Miss Belle, who must have asked ten times yesterday, "Is that the guy who used to be black?"

But the joys of taming the sprinkler on a 100 degree day! It cannot be underestimated in its refreshing, unadulterated joy. I then had to spend a good ten minutes evading a scrubbing with a towel, but that was all in good fun, too. Whatever I can do to entice those kids away from the t.v. and Playstation. After this I will go for my evening walk, although I do plan on trying to sneak out the back door when it's time for the sprinkler to be moved. Surely the next time I will win.

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