Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Taking On Goliath

So right about the time I have my new owners convinced that I am a sweet, well-adjusted, socially adapted pet, I threw them a curve ball. We were out playing basketball (I love basketball! Frankly, there is no other ball game that compares. The strategy, the energy, the fantastic fouling....) where was I? Oh, yes, out in the driveway, playing basketball. I was not on a leash--duh, in my own yard, right?! Out of nowhere comes a mild-mannered lady and a not-so-well-mannered boxer. It's not that he behaved brutishly towards anyone, it's just that I could FEEL his capability of doing so. And it irked me. So, I took him on, much to Miss Belle's horror. But I had to protect my girl, right? So I threw myself, literally, into the fray. I didn't stop to think about how unmatched of competitors we were. I just went for it.

I would like to claim victory, and you know, I'm pretty sure I had a chance, but I was pulled off of that stupid boxer by two hysterical females. They were upset that the boxer was triple my weight. So?!! I don't think you should consider the odds when there is a fight to fight. Heroes are not made from people who take on only beatable odds. Heroes are the ones who win in spite of the odds.

Yeah, I got bit, and it hurt. But I went in for more. I wish I could have proven myself, beaten the odds, become the hero. Trust me--I'm watching and waiting for my next opportunity....which might explain the leash....


  1. Well, Brady, I for one think you could gain a bit of ground for yourself by reminding your new-found family of a certain bit of sacred scripture which talks about the evil of muzzling the Oxen on the threshing floor. I'm mean, seriously, a leash? That would be like telling Bruce Lee to destroy evil and defend the good but forbid him the use of Kung Fu. For the Love!

  2. Daniel, you speak with great wisdom. Until my owner perceives the light, I have taken to protecting my family from the washing machine, the sprinkler (see new post), reflections in the window, and any and all thumps and bumps. When they tire of that, they may relent and let me guard them from real dangers. I will keep you posted.
